The potential to block pores, which may lead to acne and blackheads.
Small flesh-coloured or black spots on the skin caused by sebum blockage. Closed comedones are referred to as whiteheads, whereas open comedones are blackheads.
General term that refers to any inflammation of the skin.
Clinical term that refers to an abnormal loss of fluid from the body's internal environment.
A primary tissue. The form and function vary widely between types of connective tissue, but all connective tissues contain a large amount of extracellular matrix. Functions of connective tissues include support, holding tissue fluid and protection from disease.
Principle organic constituent of connective tissue.
The result of sebum accumulation that darkens from oxidation. It can enlarge some of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
A type of sweat gland located in the armpit and anal-genital regions; products a secretion containing water, salts, proteins and lipids.
A compound that fights against the destructive effects of free radicals. They work as scavengers to prevent the formation of free radicals or neutralise these reactive substances before they damage the tissues. Examples of antioxidants include Vitamin A,C and zinc.
An inflammatory skin condition affecting sebaceous gland ducts. It occurs most frequently in adolescent years due to hormonal imbalance occurring at the time of puberty, however, it is not limited puberty. It can affect the face, chest and back. Excessive oil, comedones, papules, pustules and scarring may be present depending...
The outer layer of the skin that is mainly responsible for ensuring a healthy barrier function.
Scientific term for lack of skin elasticity.
Main protein in elastic fibres of connective tissues; it is the protein that gives skin its shape.
An inflammatory skin condition associated with various diseases and characterised by erythema, papules , vesicles and crusts.
The most common form of sweat gland that can be found on all surfaces of the skin.
A skin toner (product) that typically provides preparatory hydration.