Summer is here! It’s that time of year to rejoice, frolic and bask in the sun to make up for all that Vitamin D deficiency we acquired during the Winter hibernation. But whilst we all love that sun-kissed look, it can sometimes be just a little difficult to achieve and we just end up looking like freshly cooked lobsters (steam included).
So here are some quick tips for staying sun smart this summer.
- Use your sunscreen – find and use a sunscreen appropriate for your daily activity. If you’re going out into the water, go for a zinc based, water resistant sunscreen, but don’t forget to regularly apply. If you tend to stay indoors, then perhaps opt for a BB Cream or foundation with a light SPF, just so that you keep yourself protected at all times.
- Wear a hat – who said that you couldn’t look chic whilst being sun smart? Here are some of our favourite looks.
- Rehydrate your skin at night with a moisturiser that contains aloe vera. If you have been in the sun a little too long, using a moisturiser with aloe will not only help to cool the skin, it can also help with reducing the skin peeling. Enbacci’s Vitis Vinifera Rejuvenating Essential Crème has a good amount of aloe and green tea to soothe and hydrate the skin.
Enjoy your Summer!
Images sourced from Pinterest